Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Credit Rating

  • 2

    Credit Rating Process / Framework

    • Credit Rating Framework

    • Country Risk Assessment - Factors

    • Industry Risk Assessment - Factors

    • Business Risk Assessment - Factors

    • Management Risk Assessment - Factors

    • Finance Risk Assessment - Factors

    • Other Financial Elements

    • Debt Instrument Analysis

    • Assigning Final Rating

  • 3

    Rating Simulation - JSW Steel Ltd

    • Steel Industry - Introduction

    • Industry Risk Assessment

    • Business Competitiveness Assessment

  • 4

    Rating Report, Categories & Types

    • Credit Rating Report

    • Rating Categories

    • 'SO' Rating

    • 'CE' Rating

    • Not So Common Types of Rating

    • Rating Withdrawal

    • Recognizing Default

  • 5

    Industry Specific Risk Assessment Framework

    • Sector Dynamics

    • ICRA Industry Rating Movement FY2021

  • 6

    Issues faced by CRAs and Industry updates

    • Problems with Credit Rating Agencies

    • Course Presentation